Brand history of AQUAQUICK 2000

Learn more about the branding history of AQUAQUICK 2000

The history of the brand AQUAQUICK 2000

The brand AQUAQUICK 2000 was created in 1988 when the product AQUAQUICK 2000 was invented. The product AQUAQUICK 2000 was invented by Henri de Vries and was marketed and distributed by his Son Bart de Vries together with additional family members. The brand and product AQUAQUICK 2000 where created in the Netherlands and has since then always been a world trade mark brand and product that is globally managed and licensed by the company AQUAQUICK GLOBAL B.V.

Brand History old aquaquick 2000 original logo increased size

Branding history 1988

First logo of AQUAQUICK 2000

Branding history 2015

Logo of AQUAQUICK 2000

Branding history 2015

Logo of AQUAQUICK 2000

Branding Media Related to AQUAQUICK 2000

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